The neighborhood
The financial center is one of the most important neighborhoods in San Isidro. In this promenade you can find local and international designer stores and some iconic restaurants, some coffee shops like San Antonio, and clothing stores like Zara. If you’re in need of leisure spaces don’t panic; there are also hairdressers, florists, and art galleries for enjoying the city. And just in case you needed, there are currency exchange services close by.
Getting around Lima, Perú can be chaotic. If you have to travel by car, we recommend using Uber or Cabify. However, if you prefer a premium service, we have a chauffeur service that can be requested by the day, by the hour, or for a specific pick-up. To request this service, contact us.
Communication with guests
At Wynwood House, we value our clients' privacy and time; that's why the check-in process is completely automated. You can request assistance through the digital concierge, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.